For each article that you submit on the Internet, do you know that you have the potential to make money from each of them? Article marketing is one the most powerful internet marketing strategies that you can use, and it is free. Here are the different ways to make money with articles.
1. Promote affiliate products. You can promote affiliate products in your author bio, and make commissions on all the sales you refer. Just register a domain name (so your link at the end of the article looks professional), and redirect it to your affiliate link.
2. Promote your website or blog. Insert the URL of your blog or website in your author bio, and drive quality traffic to your website. People who like your article and click on your link will be more ready to buy from you than a cold prospect.
3. Compile all your articles into an information product like e-book. You can either sell this e-book or package it with your existing products to generate more sales.
4. Give away all your articles, in the form of e-book. Place information products in your e-book and give it away for free. It will spread around the Internet like a virus, advertising your products and services and putting more money in your pocket.
5. Start a blog with Google Adsense ads and affiliate links. Break down your articles into smaller pieces, and post them as blog entries.
6. Send your articles to your list subscribers and insert Google Adsense ads into each of your email so that you can have the chance to earn for each email that you send to your list.
To effectively make use of article marketing to generate sales, you will need to write it consistently. One trick is to focus an entire month just for article marketing, forget about the other Internet marketing techniques for a moment. Write 2 articles every day, and I can ensure you that you will be able to drive some quality traffic to your website.
Labels: internet, internet marketing, start internet business
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