If you have got a blog, and I believe every Realtor should, there are many free ways to acquire your blog noticed. One of those ways is something you make everyday. You may not even see it as a manner of advertising, but believe about how many electronic mails you direct out each day. Put a nexus to your blog in you electronic mail signature.
The opportunities are that you direct out many electronic mails each and every day. Each clip you direct out an email, you can publicize your blog by placing your blog computer address right in your electronic mail signature.
It is always a great thought to compose something a small catchy like - See my up-to-the-minute listings, or acquire my current listing of foreclosures. I'm a large advocator of having a blog for every niche you marketplace to. Let me give you an example. You could have got a FSBO blog, a blog for Past / Present Clients or a blog that marks First Time Homebuyers. Each blog will have got its ain uniform resource locator address. You could publicize all of your blogs in one signature data file - in every electronic mail you direct out.
Let's say that you have got written a book. You could utilize a catchy phrase like - Read my up-to-the-minute chapter on "How to Make Your Home Sell Fast." The thing to retrieve about placing an advertizement in your signature data file is to maintain it simple and do it oculus catching. You desire people to be interested. You desire them to be interested adequate to chink on your link. You don't desire to frighten them off by saying something like - We'll name you 100 times, so you're always informed. Just like it is with any sort of advertising, you desire to make just adequate involvement to draw them into your website or blog. You desire them to look near at what it is you are advertising.
Remember, to inquire yourself what your blog is about. Because, if it's a niche like FSBO's, what's going to involvement them and do them desire to visit. It's not going to be information on "How to Buy Your First Home." It should be something like - "100 Home Selling Tips." That is what you should include in your signature files, and that's what will drive traffic to your blog.
You can acquire more than blogging tips like these by subscribing to my up-to-the-minute ezine "RE-Blogger" - just head on over to my site.
Labels: Blog, Marketing Strategies, Realtor Marketing, Realtor Marketing Strategies, Realtor Marketing Tools
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