"Another magazine subscription?" I mumbled, last week it was, as I tore open the mail. Humming, I went straight to the usual sales letter, skimmed over it, then zoomed to the P.S. section, which I actually read word for word.
Then I realized, I'd read the P.S. even before reading over the headline!
I can't say exactly why, but it's like some strange, uncontrollable addiction. With any letter, whether it's sales, personal, or a resume cover letter, most of us can't help but shoot straight to that P.S. section and just gobble it up. Come on, think about it...how many times have you done it? It's like a huge magnet out of some crazy sci-fi cartoon, making those deep humming sounds, drawing us in, straight to it.
Now…just imagine this juicy, powerful, irresistible P.S. section, being used at the bottom of your resume cover letter.
A lovely set of words concluding your resume cover letter, that your potential employer can hardly keep his eyes off of.
Oh boy! The possibilities…
Best Ways To Use a P.S. On Your Resume Cover Letter
So what compelling, attention-grabbing items can you place into your P.S. section? Here are a few examples:
Resume Cover Letter P.S. #1—Asking for the interview
Whenever you're writing a cover letter, be sure that you ask for that interview! It's amazing—I've read so many sample cover letters, and talked to so many people who don't even think to do this. Some even thought it was too aggressive a move, flat out asking for the interview. No way! It just shows that you're passionate about this position and that you truly want to work for their company. So differentiate yourself, take that extra step forward, and use that P.S. on your resume cover letter to ASK for that interview.
P.S. As I said before, I would love to be interviewed for the customer service position. I'm available right away, and you can call me at (323) 294-xxxx. I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Resume Cover Letter P.S. #2--
Restate a benefit about yourself, or better yet, mention a whole new one
Make it something powerful…one that you'd like to sear into the mind of your potential employer. Don't forget, it'll be the last thing on your resume cover letter this person reads, so make it something great!
P.S. I've won HG School's Teacher of the Year award twice, for my creativity and commitment to great learning. I'm anxious to bring these attributes to you at Alton School.
Resume Cover Letter P.S. #3—Use a quote/testimonial
Like the P.S., quotes/testimonials have always been one of the strongest marketing strategies ever used. There's just something powerfully credible about someone else's words boosting your professional image. You've done such a great job & impressed this person so much, that they're actually willing to speak on your behalf. That only says great things about you.
P.S. My supervisor said, "Nola isn't afraid to solve problems, and whatever answers she doesn't have, she'll do research, and will ask questions. In other words, she works harder than what's asked of her, always."
Resume Cover Letter P.S. #4—
Mention something that recently happened involving the company
Keeping up with company developments shows that you have a genuine interest & a true desire to work there. Check out the company's website. You might learn a few things—information about a new product, a new partnership, or a new problem they're facing.
P.S. Congratulations on your 17% increase in sales to overseas clients. With my 8 years of experience in international marketing, I'd love to not only help maintain this increase, but to help raise it to an even higher percentage.
Resume Cover Letter—Format of the P.S.
You know, I've read a few articles that mentioned how the P.S. should be handwritten--that doing this gives more of a personal touch to your resume cover letter.
Me? I wouldn't chance it. I think it takes away from the professionalism of your resume cover letter. As long as you create a very noticeable P.S., well worded of course, I don't think you need this handwritten thing.
I prefer it typed out, along with the entire resume cover letter. And your P.S. section should be placed in italics, right under your signature, just to bring more attention to it.
So go ahead and try it. Use that jewel of a P.S. section on your resume cover letter to say what you'd like your potential employer to remember most. Don't forget, the P.S. is practically irresistible: people just can't help reading it.
So place something priceless in there. Mention your strongest skill, include a quote, or ask for the interview.
Add this P.S. gem to your resume cover letter, and I'm pretty sure your job search will greatly improve. That phone of yours will start ringing with interview offers soon enough!
Here's to your future success, and never give up!
Labels: cover letter example, resume cover letter, sample cover letter, sample resume cover letter
Article Submit Gold V2.0 automatically article submitter software; you can post your articles, over the 5000 articles directory automatically.
Article Submit Gold V2.0 is the only completely "Article Directory Friendly" submission software. No one will be able to tell your articles were submitted through a submission software.And you"ll never have to worry about getting banned for improperly submitted articles.
The true benefit of article submission comes only when you have a large number of articles posted to a large number of submission sites.
In these days of Internet Marketing, link popularity is determined by how many hundreds or even thousands of links you have pointing back to your site.In other words, a few links just won"t cut it anymore.
So this means that if you"re going to build your site"s popularity, you need to submit, submit, and then submit some more.Now if you"ve ever done this, you know it takes a heck of a lot of time and can be very frustrating. That is, it used to take a lot of time, and it used to be very frustrating.
The Article Submit Gold V2.0 lets you:
Create and Modify a Text article. When done the Text article can be transformed into HTML
Create and Modify an HTML article. When done the HTML article can automatically be transformed into text.
Automatically grab an article off your website through the program and have it fill in all the text areas perfectly ready for submission in under one second.
Create and modify any number of bio boxes. You choose the one you want depending on the article being submitted. The bio box can be merged with the article, as some sites require it, or not.
Create and modify an unlimited number of Author names and websites so you can work all your niche markets easily.
Input and store your login info for each article submission site that requires it, and uses it whenever it"s needed.
Select which websites you want to submit to, and Article Submit Gold V2.0 will determine what each article submission site requires for an acceptable submit, format your article to satisfy those requirements, and fill in as much of the forms as possible.
Makes editing a breeze because everything is stored separately with easy access tabs.
Gives you full control of how your article looks, and where it goes.
Keep a record of all the articles you've submitted, and its built-in Spam Preventer makes it virtually impossible to accidentally send in the same article to a submission site more than once.
Have loads of extra time to work on other things, like writing more articles.
And best of all, with Article Submit Gold V2.0, you only have to enter your information and article once.
Labels: advertising, article broadcasting, article submit software, article submitter, articles, marketing
Article Marketing is by far the most reliable long term internet marketing strategy for one primary reason. It provides web content which is the reason millions of users worldwide surf the internet daily. They seek for information.
Articles are the core of information on the net, whether they are objective or subjective about any issue. Search engines were built to provide content and actually the struggle was to provide the most relevant web content according to the search terms the user provides.
Article Marketing is a relative new internet marketing industry with great potential. However many pitfalls and misunderstandings have been released lately. That was expected because it's a market principal, whenever there is growth and opportunity, "opportunists" and "scammers" step in.
The first subject is the article submission software and article automation procedures of any kind. The promises sound great. Massive submissions to article directories with push button software solutions. As tempting as it may seem, it is too good to be true. That happens because the algorithms the huge search engines corporations developed are so advanced that they detect any instant massive growth of links of any website. They are programmed to consider this "growth" as unnatural and then take precautions. These precautions could be a downgrade on search engine results for the spamming website or ban it completely form the search engines.
In simple words do not try to fool search engines giants like Google for example. Their spam filters are extremely advanced. Even if you succeed the spamming temporarily you will be discovered sooner or later and if you have a serious online business you jeopardize it.
The same applies to instant and massive web content growth of the website. For example if you had a website with five sub WebPages and after 3 days you have 2000 web pages. Google spam filters will detect it again as an unnatural web content growth of your website and proceed to the according measures. You must realize that search engines will do anything to protect the quality of their search results because this will bring targeted traffic and consequently the advertisers. You must grow your website and internet exposure step by step. This way you will gain long turn results and you will not be afraid of Google's frequently algorithm's alterations because you follow the rules.
The next subject is the PLR industry (Private Label Articles). Since most of the people are not writers or they despise writing, there comes the PLR solution which is monthly service (most of the cases) providing a number of articles each month to the subscriber. These articles are written by ghost writers and provided to hundreds of paying subscribers. It seems ideal but it's not.
The spam filters are here too and focus on duplicated content. The same article by dozens of websites will not give you any advantage. What you can do is to modify them or by hand (which is time consuming) or with using some of the anti-duplicate content software titles. But there relies a problem. Most of these software titles do modify the articles for search engines but it's not readable by the users. So you must be careful and check constantly what the PLR software provides and how alters the article.
The last subject relates with the article directories which have been increased massively the last two years. Should you consider submitting your article to 500 article directories without examining the quality of each one, or you should improve the quality of your article and submit it to qualitative ones?
The second case is more effective in the long run because you maximize your possibilities to have your article published to a huge online publication with thousands of unique visitors daily. In that way you gain massive exposure and most important credibility to your industry.
Finally the conclusion of the above is that shortcuts will not help you. The future on web content industry belongs to people who are not afraid to write (they don't have to be novelists) and produce Unique content. The entrepreneurs who grasp the value of unique content and apply it to their marketing efforts will definitely gain the advantage.
Labels: article marketing, web content marketing
Enjoying the rewards of an online business is not all a bed of roses. You need to take time to research and understand the best ways to promote your business.
Just like traditional business you need to build a reputation, network and advertise. What makes it tough is as online business owners we need to understand how it all works without getting caught up in hype and scams. Remember there are plenty of people out there promising the world but delivering nothing leaving you with empty pockets and no income.
So where do you start to get your business known? That is the six million dollar question. If you ask a web designer they will say submit to search engines - good but not the total answer, others will say traditional advertising - this is also good but also not a total answer. Ask a marketing professional and they will charge you a heap to give you a document of information that will take you a month of Sundays to get through.
So what do I suggest? I recommend a bit of everything but the best place to really start is article submission.
What is Article Submission? What is Article Publishing?
Simply put it is writing an article about a topic you are familiar with that usually relates to your business. You don't need to have them professionally written unless you really want to. What you do need is basic writing skills - somthing that most of us have. You don't need to be a genius just have a passion to share information with others that is mutually beneficial.
Before I go on the most important thing you should know is submitting articles to publishers is totally free.
Once you have chosen your topic to write about it simply a case of publishing it to an artilce site. This is where it is a little tricky - but don't be afraid now - you have come this far - let me make it easy for you.
What not to do: A search on article publishers - you will be bamboozled with hundreds of them. You will then be totally confused as to where to sign up and who will actually be getting your article out there. OK so don't bother with this one.
What it is recommended you use an article submitter. Article submitters submit your article to the most important publishers in one click. They are usually the mainstream big daddy publishers that the smaller ones tap into so your information is filtered out like a spiders web. What is more exciting is the search engines tap into your articles and you will probably see it pop up in searches.
Now here is the added bonus. If you are writing articles that are informative and constructive many websites will use them as content in their own websites. This is free advertising for your business!
My final recommendation is when looking to build an online business or extend your traditional business online don't discount anything but research everything. But most of all seriously consider article publising or article submissions. They are proven boosters to your online success.
Labels: article database, article publishing, article submission, online, online publishing, submit your article
The winning formula for writing targeted traffic producing articles can be broken down into a few steps. Keyword research is a very intricate and important part of writing and submitting articles. It is also probably the most ignored part of writing articles. Usage of popular keywords, (words that are often used for searches on the Internet) will bring more targeted traffic to your article and/or website. As you write your article remain conscious of the keywords. They'll definitely bring you traffic.
The length of the article is another important decision. Remember, you are not writing a book or screenplay. Your objective is to generate traffic. Many article publishers, webmasters, and bloggers find an ideal word count to be 400 – 800 words. Avoid writing an article of more than 800 words. The logic being, online reading concentration time, tends to be a bit less than offline. You want to keep your reader focused on content and have her finish your article.
The title of the article should be enticing. The readers have many choices online. We want her to choose your article. There are a few types of titles, we'll touch on two briefly today. There are problem based titles, and solution based titles. An example of a solution based title would be "Five Secrets to Increasing Traffic." A title like that may have been a winner a few years ago, but its 'allure' ability has faded over time. A problem based title would be "What's killing Your Traffic" Which of the titles have more allure? Most people feel the latter title does. Remember the keywords are to be included in your title to increase your search and ranking on the Internet.
Now let's discuss the body of your article which is the content portion. It should be concise and to the point. To be most effective, it should be written from your reader's perspective. In other words, readers are looking for information that meets their needs. A quality article that's to the point with rich content, will definitely find it's way to avid readers. Those avid readers will generate targeted traffic to your website, which is one of our key objectives.
It is extremely important that you include your website URL in the resource box / signature box. Also include a few lines about yourself. This helps to establish you as a professional and increases your credibility. Ultimately your articles generate targeted traffic, increase your exposure and help to build your "expert" status.
Last but certainly not least, the most effective method of distribution is to submit your articles to article directories either manually or with an article submission company. EzineArticles.com and GoArticles.com are two of the highest ranked article submission sites. Submitting your articles to many of the top ranked article submission sites will help to ensure that your articles rank well in search engines. This in turn will generate additional targeted traffic for you.
I'm looking forward to reading your articles.
Labels: internet, internet marketing, list, list building, lists, marketing, network marketing, prospecting, traffic
The store strategy comprises both logistical and marketing aspects that must be taken into consideration. Stores must be designed for effective restocking and must be planned to attract consumers in order to make their shopping time enjoyable.
Customer service is very important to retailers. Thus, stock-out is the problem number one that must be liquidated as it is the most frequently mentioned cause of frustration for dissatisfied customers. Still, retail out-of-stocks are not moved out for the last several years, and this despite new technologies and industry growth. Besides, another problem that is connected with the stock out problem - product availability - at the store level automatically is difficult too. Manual availability measurement takes much time and costs too much. That is why, despite the significance of product availability, only several retailers measure their out-of-stock levels. Understanding the customer reaction is a major strategy in calculating the price of a stock-out. Measuring the price of a stock-out is difficult first of all because it depends on the consumer's reaction to the stock-out.
When a store advertises an item at a certain price, than it is expected to have this very product in stock and available to consumers for all the advertisement time. If the product is not available, the hypermarket must put a notice that the products are not available and that a rain check may be got upon request. With the great growth of high-tech companies and dot-com start-ups, employers are using different methods for retaining scarce high-tech talent. In many situations, new employers are turning to stock options. This way is not new, stock options - which are reserved for corporate executives - are now proposed.
At first sight, stock options can be answers to the problems emerging companies have recruiting employees. In fact, for many new economy employers, stock options are the ideal variant to lure employees from their current jobs. One can fully agree with the article written by Edmonton Watt about high-tech stocks. The innovations and new technologies promote the industry and the technology sector in general. Though you are to be careful and this is right. Companies are different and the degree of a risk is different too. The author of the article proposes companies to add some high-tech stocks to their investment.
Watt points out that before implementing the high-tech stock into your company, first of all you are to decide what type of returns you are seeking for. Whether these are steady, long run or instant windfall returns. The second step, after the author, is to consider the company's size and the market strategy. The first and foremost advice: risks are not high when the company exists and has got the reputation. In other words, risks are lower with a larger company.
Labels: book report, custom essay, custom essay writing, essay paper, essay paper.net, essay writing service
It's common knowledge that writing articles and submitting them to directories can generate free traffic for your website but there are certain things you can do to maximise the amount of visitors that will read your articles.
It's all about targeting "the long tail" which is the main factor that determines how successful your articles will be at generating traffic. It can mean the difference between an article that generates hundreds of visitors and an article that generates thousands of visitors.
In case you don't know, "the long tail" refers to keyword phrases that are highly targeted and have less competition than the most popular keywords. For example, instead of using a keyword phrase such as "weight loss" which has a lot of competition, its far better to use a keyword phrase which has less competition such as "fast weight loss tips".
So the first thing you need to do is find keyword phrases that are related to your website (using a keyword research tool such as Good Keywords). You are looking for keyword phrases that have around a thousand searches per month in Overture (which is only a fraction of how many times it will be searched for in Google).
Then you need to write an article which is highly optimised for this keyword phrase so that it ranks first on the search engine results page. The best article directory on the internet for achieving high rankings is called Ezine Articles and its the only one you need to use for this strategy.
The title is the most important part of the article and it should contain the keyword phrase as this will quickly attract the search engine robots and get your article listed in the results pages for that specific keyword phrase so that whenever someone searches for it your article will appear at the top.
The keyword density of the article is also important and you should include the keyword phrase you are targeting at least three times in the actual content of the article. Just remember not use it too many times as this will actually harm your rankings due to keyword stuffing.
As long as the keyword phrase is in the title of your article you only need to use it a few times in the content to rank well in the search engines. You should aim to write at least 300 words and create an interesting article that is of high quality and easy to read.
The resource box should include a brief description about your website and what you are offering and you should also use the keyword phrase as the anchor text for your link. This will help to improve your rankings so that your website appears at the top of the search engine results pages.
This is why its important to target "the long tail" because if you have less competition you will quickly and easily rank on the first page for the specific keyword phrase. The traffic generated will be far less than the main keywords but it will be highly targeted and produce better results.
After you have finished you can just repeat the process over and over again by writing individual articles that target specific keyword phrases which are related to your website. If you use this strategy correctly you can quickly dominate many different keyword phrases and generate highly targeted traffic for your website.
Labels: how to generate traffic using articles, how to use articles to generate traffic
Building a home based internet business is considered the most challenging task in promoting your products or services online. You want to make sure that your products or services are propagated to all parts of the world online with everlasting targeted traffic to your website. This can be the most daunting process for a novice who wants to start an online business. However, it is not difficult at all if you are versed in some of the ways to build your internet business. One of the effective ways would be through writing articles which are related to your products or services you want to promote.
The formula for writing a good marketable articles can be broken down into 3 processes: researching of keywords; writing of articles and submitting of articles. First of all, the most important part which most people neglect is doing a keyword research. Spending time to research keywords to include in your article title, body and resource box is certain to elevate your rankings in the search engine. It is important to use popular keywords that are constantly searched in the internet if you want to bring more targeted traffic to your website. Put into your prospect's shoe and think what they are looking for. If you are selling fishing rod online, you may want to search for keywords relating to fishing rod in
http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com or http://inventory.overture.com. You can include the more popular keywords listed in wordtracker or overture as some of your keywords in your articles. The measure of the effectiveness of a keyword or a measure of how good your keyword is given by Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI). A KEI of more than 10 tells you that a keyword is popular in the search and less competitive (i.e. not many competitors are using it as a keyword). For a KEI lesser than 10, it is considered a poor keyword of choice and you should always avoid using such a keyword which is highly competitive in nature. Your articles ranking in the search engine may evidently be lower in this case.
Secondly, writing a good article does not necessarily mean a lengthy essay. An ideal word count for a good online article is around 350 - 800 words. Always remember not to write more than 800 words per article. The reason being so is that human concentration span in front of the computer reading is usually lower than off-screen reading. Just like an outstanding person tend to attract onlookers, a good title attracts reader to its content. My take is to write a problem-based title rather than a solution-based one. An example of a solution-based title may look like this: "3 secrets to email marketing success". This title might be a hit several years ago but its "alluring" power has faded over the time.
Indeed, curiosity can never be put on hold once it is aroused and what do you think of the impact of a problem-based title like "Do you know who's killing your email marketing?" to the reader?
Which of the title do you think allures reader more? I would say the latter version. Remember, you must include your keywords in your title to increase your search and rankings on the internet.
Next, we shall talk about the body of your article which is also the content portion. Be concise and straightforward in your writing in this part. Write from your reader perspective. Readers are interested to find relevant information that caters to their needs. Any quality articles that provide concise and rich content will definitely find its way to her avid readers. A good article encapsulates most of its interesting and important points in the first second paragraph. Again, your placement of keywords are crucial and should be placed in the first and second paragraphs. Following the above guidelines, you may have written the best article in the world but if you forget to include your website URL in the
resource box or signature box, your efforts will go down the drain. Information in the resource box is to provide readers a better understanding of you and also an opportunity for you to promote your websites to them. A brief introduction about yourself in the resource box is highly recommended as it reflects your professionalism and enhances your credibility.
Last but not the least, after completing your writing, you have to submit your articles to the articles directories. Listed are a few but not exhaustive and they are: EzineArticles.com; searchwarp.com;
GoArticles.com and IdeaMarketers.com. I have chosen these four directories for the fact that they are one of the highest ranking article submission sites in the search engine. Submitting your articles to these four sites will guarantee your articles to be ranked high in search engines.
Labels: article writing, build home internet business, home internet business, write marketable article
Generally if someone were to say to you, "can you do me a favor and write a recommendation for me?" Your first reaction would be oh, no! and that is not unusual. Many of us just have a natural aversion to putting pen to paper.
Being an ex elementary school teacher one of the biggest turnoffs for students was asking them to write something. This was not surprising since not much attention was given to teaching this skill. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of writing assignments being given out. However the quality of the product left a lot to be desired.
So the point of all this is what to do about it? Well if you are working in some level of e-commerce, chances are you're doing a significant amount of writing. What is the best approach to take to make this task as painless as possible?
One of the best ways to confront this issue is to write like you're talking to a good friend. Think of times when you're with someone you feel at ease with. You never have to think of what you're going to say or how you're going to construct your next sentence. You just say what comes naturally.
You can do that with writing. Once you have the idea, just start jotting things down like you're talking to that friend. Don't concern yourself with grammar, sentence structure or spelling. You can go back and fix those things later.
If a humorous thought or situation comes to you, don't be afraid to jot it down. Often humor is a good way to get your readers attention. Reading something entertaining will have a tendency for your reader to form a bond with you.
When you have your initial thought about what you're going to write, build on that thought with related ideas. Make a short outline and work from there. You'll be surprised how much you can write from jotting down just a few ideas.
Once you get in the habit of following this procedure, writing will become much easier. Don't be surprised if you find yourself liking and looking forward to it. There's a turn on in seeing your work in print and knowing people are reading your ideas.
To learn more about this subject, follow the link below.
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